Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (2012). Poor economics: A radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty


  • Ann Mitchell Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


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Banerjee, A. and Duflo, E. (2012). Poor economics: A radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty. New York: PublicAffairs

Banerjee, A. and E. Duflo (2007). “The Economic Lives of the Poor” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 21(1): 141-167.

Deaton, A. (2010). "Instruments, Randomization, and Learning about

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Easterly, W. (2006). The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to

Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Cómo citar

Mitchell, A. (2019). Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo (2012). Poor economics: A radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty. Ensayos De Política Económica, 1(5), 129–131. Recuperado a partir de https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/ENSAYOS/article/view/2400



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