About the Journal

Temas de Historia Argentina y Americana is the periodical publication of the Institute of Argentine and American History (Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universidad Católica Argentina), which offers to the academic community unpublished and original collaborations, both from its members and from other national and foreign researchers. By these means it seeks to provide the growth of the scientific discipline and a fruitful exchange between specialists.

Our reference area is Argentine and American history in its different chronological periods and in diverse aspects such as political, social, economic, religious and cultural. The intended audience is academics in general with a particular interest in the human sciences. Therefore, an open policy is maintained both in the reception of works and in their communication and dissemination.

The magazine has been uninterruptedly published since 2002. Since 2012 the paper edition has been published annually and since 2017 it has been published in two digital volumes every six months. Contributions are received throughout the year, with the first semiannual volume published in June and the second of the year in December.



Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 32 (2024)
					View Vol. 2 No. 32 (2024)
Published: 12/30/2024
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