Traduciendo la historia : Omeros, de Derek Walcott


  • Amanda B. Zamuner Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Minority literatures, Translation studies, Caribbean and Africa, Postcolonialism, History


Omeros, a long poem published in 1990 in English, was written by St. Lucian-born writer Derek Walcott. Shortly after this book appeared, the Nobel Prize for Literature recognized his contributions (1992). For some authors, the verses that make up Omeros constitute a long meditation on history, a history that involves America, Europe, Africa and Asia. However, translation studies may see this epic poem as an attempt on the part of the poet to translate himself in the lines, a proposal for re-constructing the history and memory of a people and, in turn, of himself. The author has skillfully managed to intertwine different elements of his social milieu to provide readers with a re-vision of the New World uttered in a unique voice, made up of a chorus.


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How to Cite

Zamuner, A. B. (2017). Traduciendo la historia : Omeros, de Derek Walcott. Bridging Cultures, (1), 43–60. Retrieved from


