

  • Mariano Vitetta Universidad Austral


graduate program, legal translation, thematic and cultural competence, LL.M., comparative law, civil law, common law, mixed jurisdictions


This article addresses an instance of graduate training for the legal translator, from a personal perspective. This training is portrayed as ideal for developing the thematic and cultural competence of a translator. The article starts by claiming the need for graduate training for the legal translator nowadays, then uses the frameworks of legal translators’ competence to identify the thematic and cultural competence as the one dealing with substantive legal knowledge by the translator. Afterwards, the article links this competence with LL.M. programs in the Anglo-American world. A description is made in particular of the LL.M. in Comparative Law at Louisiana State University and its Center of Civil Law Studies, while also highlighting the opportunities to practice legal translation that cropped up within the projects of the Center.


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Author Biography

Mariano Vitetta, Universidad Austral

Mariano Vitetta es profesor adjunto y director del Área de Lengua y Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Austral. Es traductor público de inglés (Universidad de Buenos Aires), abogado (Universidad de Buenos Aires) y tiene un LL.M. in Comparative Law (Louisiana State University). Todos los sitios web mencionados en el artículo se visitaron por última vez el 28 de junio de 2024.


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How to Cite

Vitetta, M. (2024). Español. Bridging Cultures, (9), 8–35. Retrieved from


