From the first to the third edition of WN: the evolution of Adam Smith's economic thought in his texts


  • Álvaro Perpere Viñuales Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina




The publication of the Wealth of Nations (WN) in 1776 is usually considered one of the great milestones in the history of economic thought. However, Adam Smith made alterations and additions throughout various subsequent editions. Although there do not appear to be radical changes or major conceptual modifications in any of them in comparison to the approach made in the first edition, a careful look at the additions and alterations shows that Smith's thought seems to have evolved over the years. This is particularly significant in the case of the third edition, published in 1784, eight years after the first edition, and on which Smith worked with particular attention. In this essay I will concentrate on comparing the additions that Smith made in his defense of free trade in the third edition of WN. In my opinion, these additions reveal the intellectual evolution experienced by the Scotsman while he was working as Commissioner of Customs. I will not only compare the two editions of the work, but I will pay special attention to the Smith Correspondence. In his epistles, as I will try to show, it is possible to perceive the intellectual evolution that the Scotsman was going through and that led him to present this new edition of the work, revised and completed.


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Carrión, G. (2017). “Estudio introductorio a Adam Smith”. En Escritos preliminares de la Riqueza de las Naciones y Consideraciones sobre la primera formación de las lenguas. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid.

Perpere Viñuales, Á. (2019). “Adam Smith y el comercio internacional a la luz de su Correspondencia”. Filosofía de la Economía, 8(2), 120-120.

Rae, J. (1895). Life of Adam Smith. London: Macmillan & Co.

Scott, W. R. (1935). “The Manuscript of an Early Draft of Part of the Wealth of Nations”. The Economic Journal, 45(179), 427-438.

Smith, A. (1784). Additions and Corrections to the First and Second Edition of Dr. Adam Smith’s Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

Smith, A. (1982). Essays on Philosophical Subjects (Reprint. Originally Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1980) (Glasgow edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith, v. 3). Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.

Smith, A. (1987). Correspondence of Adam Smith 1987 (Reprint. Originally Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1977) (Glasgow edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith, v. 6). Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.

Smith, A. (1981). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Reprint. Originally: Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1979) (Glasgow editions of the work and Correspondence of Adam Smith; 2). Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.



How to Cite

Perpere Viñuales, Álvaro. (2021). From the first to the third edition of WN: the evolution of Adam Smith’s economic thought in his texts. Cultura Económica, 39(101), 119–133. Retrieved from