Intervention of the jesuit missionaries in the signing of sino-russian Nerchinsk Treaty (1689)


  • Carlos Junquera Rubio Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Russia, China, Nerchinsk Treaty, Jesuits, Amur River


In 1689, Russia and China signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk. The reason was the result of Russian colonization had not yet reached the objectives. Cossack armies had built some strong for contact with native populations and charge the tax, as was customary; Moreover, the Russians, who did not consider that the inhabitants of the basin of the Amur were already subjects of the Chinese emperor. Russian troops caused many problems and ran out through diplomatic channels. The Chinese response was to send an army to dislodge the enemy. Later in the fort of Nerchinsk the two delegations will meet to make peace. Jesuit missionaries played a prominent role in the course of negotiations and were responsible for drafting the document in Latin, translated the Manchu and help its development in Russian.


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Author Biography

Carlos Junquera Rubio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctor en Filosofía y Letras por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid;Licenciado en Geografía e Historia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid,especialidad Antropología Americana; Licenciado en Filosofía, Universidad MarcelinoChampagnat (Lima, Perú). Becario del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Canadá.Autor de 28 libros personales y 42 colectivos; más de 600 ensayos en revistascientíficas. Profesor Invitado en 18 universidades extranjeras y hasta la fecha haimpartido conferencias en instituciones científicas en varios países.


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How to Cite

Junquera Rubio, C. (2017). Intervention of the jesuit missionaries in the signing of sino-russian Nerchinsk Treaty (1689). Colección, (27), 95–135. Retrieved from



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