Greek Gods in Christian Times: offering-poems of Agathias Scholasticus in Palatine Anthology 6


  • Elbia Haydée Difabio Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Agathias, sixth century AD, Greek Anthology, votive epigrams, religious world view


Agathias was born ca. 536 in Mirina, Aeolian city of Misia, Asia Minor, on the western coast of modern Turkey. He cultivated poetry in Alexandria and moved to Constantinople in 554. He spent most of his life and died in this capital in 582 or 584. From the direct personal translation of the original Greek sources and the comprehensive analysis of the ὁλιγόστιχοι (between two and eight lines, always in even number), these reflections are restricted to Book 6, which assembles 358 dedicatory epigrams or ἀναθηματικά, religious offerings which operate as clarifying legends close to the donation. This research explores the motivations; the tone and the offerings granted to the divinity, with a triple purpose: to study the plastic-representative nature of their qualities and scopes, to consider the main elements of Agathias’ portrait and to justify the multivalent man-god relationship in these poetical documents. At the same time, it tries to look at the worries and interests of a writer in so advanced a Christian epoch, a poet who prefers to refer to gods who are apparently missing. 


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Author Biography

Elbia Haydée Difabio, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo





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How to Cite

Difabio, E. H. (2020). Greek Gods in Christian Times: offering-poems of Agathias Scholasticus in Palatine Anthology 6. De Rebus Antiquis, (5), 30–44. Retrieved from


