Opening ceremony of the Master in economic administrative law “Public law and the COVID pandemic”, by Dr. Juan Carlos Cassagne
Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Derecho, Postgraduate, Administrative Law, Public LawAbstract
On Thursday, June 25th, more than 150 assistants –among students, graduates, and faculty members– attended the opening ceremony of the new Master in Economic Administrative Law. The ceremony was presided by the Dean of Universidad Católica Argentina Law School, Dr. Pablo María Garat, the Director of the Postgraduate Department, Dr. Gustavo Costa Aguilar, and the Director of the master’s program, Dr. Ignacio de la Riva. Dr. Juan Carlos Cassagne, lecturer and founder of the former Specialization on Economic Administrative Law, gave a dissertation entitled “Public Law and the COVID Pandemic”.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pereda, G. (2021). Opening ceremony of the Master in economic administrative law “Public law and the COVID pandemic”, by Dr. Juan Carlos Cassagne. Forum, (9), 179–188. Retrieved from
Parte III - Ensayos, crónicas y recensiones
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