
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The petition is original, has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • You are authorized to transfer to the publisher, on a non-exclusive basis, the rights to incorporate your digital version in the Institutional Repository and in the Journal Portal of the Argentine Catholic University, as well as in other databases that you consider to be of academic relevance. under Creative Commons licenses.
  • The text complies with the section policy and other publication standards of the journal, which can be found in About the journal.
  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated rules for autohros, which can be found in About the journal.
  • The standards of the Code of Ethics of the Committee on Publication Ethics - Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors (COPE) have been complied with.
  • The topic addressed corresponds to a current or significant problem in relation to the mission of the magazine: Prudentia Iuris objectives the elaboration of a legal thought coherent with the fundamental principles of Justice and the natural order, illuminated by Faith (Prudentia Iuris, nº 1, August 1980, p. 3)
  • Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.
  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, be sure to follow the instructions to ensure double blind review were followed.

Author Guidelines

Author's Guidlines

1. Basic format for receiving articles. 

Prudentia Iuris will only start the arbitration process of works that comply with the rules for authors and the policies of sections. 

All articles sent to the Journal must have a title, abstract of between 100 and 150 words and 3 and 6 keywords, all of them in Spanish, English and Italian. The length of the article must be proper to the section chosen.

2. Basic format for texts and bibliographic citations: 

2.1 Title in Spanish: Interlineado 1,5; centered text; 14 point bold; Times New Roman font; in capital letters and 12 point italics for second level subtitles

2.2 Titles in English and Italian: Line spacing 1.5; centered text; 12 point bold; Times New Roman font.

2.3 Body of text: A4 paper; 1.5 spacing; Times New Roman font; 12 points; justified text.

2.4 Footnotes: 1.5 line spacing; Times New Roman font; 10 points.

2.5 On the initial content of the Research Articles and Notes and comments. 

The first page will include:

a) The title and subtitle, if applicable, of the work in Spanish. Centered text, 12 point bold; Times New Roman font: 1.5 line spacing.
 b) The name of its author or authors in bold followed by the author's summary curriculum. This must contain only the highest academic or professional degree achieved, as well as the academic affiliation of the author or authors (eg the current relationship of the author or authors with a university study center or equal in teaching or professional research work), their email address and your Orcid number ( The particular acknowledgments that the author or authors want to give, as well as the assignment to sponsored scientific projects, must be indicated with an asterisk at the beginning of the article.
 c) A summary of the work of between 100 and 150 words, which should be an abbreviated description of the content of the article mentioning only the central idea and the main points. Being brief, exact and clear in the language avoiding redundancy.
 d) Three to six keywords in Spanish and English (keywords), separated by commas. Keywords in English must be in italics. 

The second page should include:

a) The title in English, followed by the abstract in English and the keywords.
 b) The title in Italian, followed by the abstract in Italian and the keywords.

2.6 Updated bibliographic list: At the end of the Research Articles and Notes and comments, the list of bibliography used must be included in alphabetical order and cited by APA standards.

3. Bibliographic citations: Citations should be made with a footnote, indicating in the body of the work only the superscript citation number. To cite the bibliography used, we follow the international reference standards set by the APA (American Psychological Association) used in publications related to the Social Sciences. 

3.1 Books: 

Author last name, Author name initials. (Year). Title. Editorial. 

Eg: Gilson, É. (1997). The methodical realism. Madrid. Meeting. In electronic version: Surname, A. A. (Year). Qualification. DOI / http // www. 

Eg Carpenter Benítez, F. (1999). The natural law. History of a controversial concept. Recovered from… 

3.2 Chapter of a book:

Author last name, author name initials. (year). Title of the chapter or entry in N. Surname Editor (Ed.), Title of the book (xx ed., Vol. Xx, pp. Xxx – xxx). Editorial.

Eg Di Lucia, P. (2003). The Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali di Nizza. Linguaggio axiologico e linguaggio deontico, in M. Siclari. Contributi allo studio della Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali dell’Unione Europea (19-38). Giappichelli. 

3.3. Scientific articles: Author last name, First name initials. (Year). Article title. Name of the Magazine, Volume, Number, Pages. 

Eg De Martini, S. M. A. (2013). Ideological roots of the gender perspective. Prudentia Iuris, No. 75, 67-89.

3.4 Conferences, Presentations at Symposiums or Congresses:

Author (s) last name, First name initials. (Year). Title of the conference or presentation. "In" Name of the editor (Ed.), Name of the Congress, Symposium or Conference (pages). Town. Editorial. 

Eg Arias de Ronchietto, C. E. (2003). Legal regulation of filiation by dation or abandonment of the cryopreserved conceived and legal regulation of assisted human procreation techniques in the Argentine Republic. In Casiello, J. J. and Nicolau, N. L. (Eds.), XIX National Conference on Civil Law (Volume 1, 37-44). Rosary beads. Lux.

3.5 Printed newspaper article: Author's last name, first initial (year, day and month). Article title. Name of the newspaper, pages.

Eg Ventura, A. (2013, November 29). The Court distances itself from the approval of the project without consensus. The Nation, 7.

3.6 Online publications in databases: Author last name, First name initials. (Year). Article title. Name of the Magazine, Volume, Number, Pages. Retrieved in URL or DOI

Eg Lalanne, J. (2020). The certainty of the judicial sentence. Prudentia Iuris, (90), 79-115. Retrieved February 22, 2021 at

3.7 DOI:

Include the DOI for all jobs that have it regardless of whether the print or online version of the job was used.

Eg Goldfarb, M. (2020). Professional ethics of lawyers. Theory and praxis in the province of currents, Argentina (2002-2014). Prudentia Iuris, 0 (90), 27-57. doi:

3.8 Theses or Dissertations published

Last name, initials of the author (year). Title (type of work, place). Site where it is published. DOI / https: //

Eg Zambrano-Vazquez, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.

Highton, C. (2020) The damages derived from Artificial Intelligence and the impact of new technologies [online]. Master's Thesis. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2020.Available at:

3.9 Collections of congresses, conferences, workshops 

3.9.1 Published in an academic journal 

Follow the citation format for publications in academic journals: 

Author last name, First name initials. (Year). Article title. Name of the Magazine, Volume, Number, Pages. DO

Eg De Martini, S. M. A. (2013). Ideological roots of the gender perspective. Prudentia Iuris, No. 75, 67-89.

3.9.2 Published as a complete book

Follow the citation format of the books Author last name, Author name initials. (Year). Title in italics. Town. Editorial. DOI / http // www 

Eg Gilson, É. (1997). The methodical realism. Madrid. Meeting. In electronic version: Surname, A. A. (Year). Qualification. DOI / http // www.

3.9.3 Published as a chapter in a book 

Follow the citation format of a chapter in a book Author last name, author name initials. (year). Title of the chapter or entry in N. Surname Editor (Ed.), Title of the book (xx ed., Vol. Xx, pp. Xxx – xxx). Editorial. DOI

Eg Di Lucia, P. (2003). The Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali di Nizza. Linguaggio axiologico e linguaggio deontico, in M. Siclari. Contributi allo studio della Carta dei Diritti Fondamentali dell’Unione Europea (19-38). Giappichelli.

3.10 Report from a government agency 

Name of the department responsible for the document. (year). Title (if it has publication number). Name of who depends on the author of the document eg. Ministry. DOI / http // www

Eg Ministry of Health, Department of Epidemiology. (2020). Indicators report: National strategy for testing, traceability and isolation (report no. 51). Santiago, Chile: Government of Chile.

3.11 Report: 

Last name, initials of the author. (year). Title. Report editor. https: // www. 

Eg Lafferriere, J. N., Moya, G. (dirs.) (2018). Genetic information in health in Latin America: some ethical and legal aspects. Unpublished document. Collaborative research project. Catholic University. Institute of Bioethics; Law School.

4. Reiterate a work already cited in the work 

4.1 When information from the same author, the same book and the same pages is repeated 

The work is cited in full for the first time and then the following will be used: “Idem” and if the citations are not contiguous, the citation number will be added below where the complete work is indicated. 

Ex: 1. Yacobucci, G. J. (2005), “The challenges of a new Criminal Law”, in Logos Law Review (Prof. Damásio de Jesús Law School), San Pablo, nº 1, p. 15.

2. Ídem

6. Ditto 1

4.2. When the same author and the same work are cited, only varying the cited pages

The work is cited in full for the first time and then it will be used: Surname, initials. Ob. Cit., Pages cited. 

Ex. 1. Ferrajoli, L. (2011). "Principleist constitutionalism and guarantee constitutionalism." In Revista Doxa, Cuadernos de Filosofía del Derecho, 34, 15-53. 

3. Ferrajoli, L. Ob. cit., 23 

4.3. When the same author and the same work are cited but several works by the same author are used throughout the work. 

The work is fully cited for the first time and then when repeating the citation: Surname, Initials of the author. Abbreviated title of the work…, Volume, cited pages. 

Ex. 1. Binder, A. M. (2000). Ideas and materials for the Criminal Justice Reform. 1st ed. Buenos Aires. Ad Hoc, 115. 

18. Binder, A. M. Ideas and…, 102-103.

20. Binder, A. M. (2014). Criminal Procedural Law. T. II. 1st ed. Buenos Aires. Ad-Hoc, 345-346. 

24. Binder, A. M. Procedural Law…, T. II, 346.

The Management of Prudentia Iuris reserves the right to adjust the style of the critical apparatus to the norms of the Journal. 

The authors will receive two printed copies of the number of Prudentia Iuris in which their article was published.

Part II Research articles

1. Research Articles:

1.1 Works that meet the following requirements will be published in this section:

• That the subject makes scientific contributions and offers novel concepts that enrich knowledge;

• That there is coherence in the demonstrative or argumentative structure between the problem, the goals, the method, the results and the conclusions;

• That the bibliography is updated and relevant to the subject and that the text is unpublished.

1.2. Length: Papers submitted to this section may not be less than 4,000 or more than 12,000 words long.

1.3. Arbitration: These works will be submitted to the arbitration of evaluators according to the respective procedure.

1.4. Originality: The research works proposed for this section must be original, the authors agreeing not to present them simultaneously to another publication, nor to publish them without authorization from the journal Prudentia Iuris. The authors will state through the online management system of the Journal, or by a signed letter sent, the originality of the text.

1.5. The first content of the research articles. The first page will include:

a) The title and subtitle, if applicable, of the work in Spanish.

b) The name of its author or authors in bold followed by the author's summary curriculum. This must contain only the highest academic or professional degree achieved, as well as the academic affiliation of the author or authors (eg the current relationship of the author or authors with a university study center or equal in teaching or professional research work), their email address and your Orcid number ( The particular acknowledgments that the author or authors want to give, as well as the assignment to sponsored scientific projects, must be indicated with an asterisk at the beginning of the article.

c) A summary of the work of between 100 and 150 words, which should be an abbreviated description of the content of the article mentioning only the central idea and the main points. Being brief, exact and clear in the language avoiding redundancy.

d) From three to six keywords in Spanish, separated by a semicolon.

The second page should include:

a) The title in English, followed by the abstract and the keywords separated by semicolons in English.

b) The title in Italian, followed by the abstract and the keywords separated by semicolons in Italian.

1.6 Updated bibliographic list: At the end of the work, the list of bibliography used must be included in alphabetical order and cited according to APA standards.

Part III. Notes and Comments

2. Notes and Comments:

2.1 Brief papers on legal topics, jurisprudence or legislation will be published in this section.

2.2 Length: The length must be less than 4,000 words.

2.3 Arbitration: These works will be submitted to the arbitration of evaluators according to the respective procedure.

2.4 Originality: The works proposed for this section must be original, the authors agreeing not to present them simultaneously to another publication, nor to publish them without the authorization of the journal Prudentia Iuris. The authors will state through the online management system of the Journal, or by a signed letter sent, the originality of the text.



Reviews of recent books (initially no more than two years old) with a maximum length of 2,000 words will be published in this section. The works, for inclusion in this section, must be approved by at least one member of the Editorial Committee.

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses entered in this magazine will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this magazine and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

The authors retain the copyright and guarantee PRUDENTIA IURIS the exclusive right of first publication. However, they may separately establish additional agreements for the distribution of the published version of the article, with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal. The content is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Authors are allowed and encouraged to deposit their work in institutional and thematic repositories, academic social networks, personal websites and/or where they consider relevant in accordance with our Self-Archiving Policy