PÓSITO DE LA SENTENCIA T-544 DE 2017 The justification of child euthanasia: Contributions from the superior interest of the child Regarding Decision T-544 of 2017


  • Ilva Myriam Hoyos Castañeda Investigadora Independiente


Euthanasia, Constitutional court, Children’s rights, Higher interest of the minor.


The purpose of this paper is to analyze, from a critical perspective and within the framework of the decision that recognized the so-called infantile euthanasia (Decision T-544 of 2017), the manner in which the Fifth Chamber of Review of the Constitutional Court interpreted and it applied in this judicial decision the best interest of the child and what was the weight that was granted to him in the argumentation and in the decision.



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Author Biography

Ilva Myriam Hoyos Castañeda, Investigadora Independiente

Ex Procuradora Delegada para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Infancia, la Adolescencia y la Familia. Miembro de la Academia Colombiana de Jurisprudencia


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– Hoyos Castañeda, I. M. (2005). De la dignidad y de los derechos humanos. Una introducción al pensar analógico. Bogotá. Editorial Temis, Universidad de La Sabana.

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How to Cite

Hoyos Castañeda, I. M. (2019). PÓSITO DE LA SENTENCIA T-544 DE 2017 The justification of child euthanasia: Contributions from the superior interest of the child Regarding Decision T-544 of 2017. Prudentia Iuris, (87), 73–104. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/PRUDENTIA/article/view/1953



Part II Research articles