The process of our Lord, perennial legal chair


  • Carlos Manuel Romero Berdullas Investigador Independiente


Process, Hebrew Criminal Procedure, Jesus Christ, Law of Talion


The purpose of these article is to value the perennial magisterium bequeathed to all men by our Lord Jesus Christ, through the process suffered to redeem us. With that objective, we will briefly review some characteristics of the hebrew penal process; and then we will penetrate into the legal teachings of the most significant process in the history of salvation.


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Author Biography

Carlos Manuel Romero Berdullas, Investigador Independiente

Investigador independiente. Lawyer by the University of Buenos Aires
(UBA). Specialist in Criminal Law by Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). Secretario de Cámara de la Fiscalía General Adjunta en lo Penal, Contravencional y de Faltas del Ministerio Público Fiscal de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires


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actualizada. Buenos Aires. Losada.

– Keller, W. (1981). Y la Biblia tenía razón. Barcelona. Ediciones Omega S.A.

– Mr. Dupin (1842). El Proceso de Jesucristo tratado histórica y jurídicamente. Madrid.

Imprenta de Yenes.

– Platón (2001). Diálogos, Biblioteca Grandes Pensadores. Madrid. Editorial

LIBSA - Editorial El Ateneo.

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Resurrección–. Buenos Aires. Planeta & Ediciones Encuentro.



How to Cite

Romero Berdullas, C. M. (2019). The process of our Lord, perennial legal chair. Prudentia Iuris, (87), 173–183. Retrieved from



Part III. Notes and Comments

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