New horizons of the genetic discrimination in the United States from the case “Chadam v. Palo Alto Unified School District”


  • Leonardo Geri Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Derecho


Genetic Discrimination, Tort Liability, Comparative Law, Case Law


The present commentary refers to a judicial case that was originated in California (United States of America): “Chadam v. Palo Alto Unified School District”. It is a legal battle that was initiated by the parents of a child against a school district in order to achieve the compensation of damages arising from a supposed genetic discrimination suffered by their son. The legal novelty of the case is that the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit admitted that the civil lawsuits for potential cases of genetic discrimination may be based on the federal normative statute (Americans with Disabilities Act and Federal Rehabilitation Act) that protects to disabled persons. Currently, the civil procedure has not finalized and the merits of the case has not been resolved yet.


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How to Cite

Geri, L. (2017). New horizons of the genetic discrimination in the United States from the case “Chadam v. Palo Alto Unified School District”. Prudentia Iuris, (84), 265–275. Retrieved from



Part III. Notes and Comments