Tomas de Aquino and the Natural Law Summa Theologiae cross interpretations I-II, 94, 2


  • Carlos Massini-Correas Universidad de Mendoza


Tomás de Aquino, Summa Theologiae, Ley natural, Vías de conocimiento, Naturaleza humana.


The central text of western natural law is that of the Summa Theologiae, of Thomas Aquinas I-II, q. 94. a.2, in which the Aquinate refers to three types of realities: human nature, natural inclinations and human goods. In general, one of these types has been prioritized when studying the ways of knowing Natural Law, throwing other authors into the corner of errors, inaccuracies and even evil. This work supports the hypothesis that the study of nature, inclinations and goods as sources of natural regulations is not necessarily exclusive, and that a careful and dispassionate analysis leads to the conclusion that these are diverse but complementary ways, and that a study from the synergy of these sources of knowledge leads to richer and more explanatory solutions than those achieved by those who see them as exclusive alternatives.




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Biografia Autor

Carlos Massini-Correas, Universidad de Mendoza

Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales y en Filosofía. Catedrático de Filosofía Jurídica en la Universidad de Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina. Profesor en la Maestría de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidsad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Y en el Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas en la Universidad de Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina. Investigador Superior en Dirección de Investigaciones de la Universidad de Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina. 


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Como Citar

Massini-Correas, C. (2020). Tomas de Aquino and the Natural Law Summa Theologiae cross interpretations I-II, 94, 2. Prudentia Iuris, 63–77. Obtido de



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