De los cancioneros medievales a los “tablaos” del siglo XX. Una trayectoria de la canción española y sus repercusiones en la Argentina


  • Sofía M. Carrizo Rueda Investigador independiente


The nineteenth century ethical and esthetical interests resulted in a recuperation of Spanish traditional poetry. This tendency lasted until the twentieth century and produced different kinds of lyrical expressions. These include the works of remarkable poets such as Federico García Lorca and Rafael Alberti. Yet another consequence is the popular repercussion of la copla or “Spanish song”. This paper compares some poems from the Cancionero de Baena with some twentieth century Andalusian popular songs and analyses the legacy of Rafael de León, a poet of the 1927 Generation who created around 8000 successful coplas. Furthermore, the paper revises the strong presence of the Spanish song in Argentina, during the middle decades of the past century, as well as the testimonies of its influence.


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How to Cite

Carrizo Rueda, S. M. (2013). De los cancioneros medievales a los “tablaos” del siglo XX. Una trayectoria de la canción española y sus repercusiones en la Argentina. Revista Del Instituto De Investigación Musicológica Carlos Vega, 27, 255–279. Retrieved from


