From social fragmentation to individual vulnerabilities: Perspectives for the future of Psychology


  • Christian Heslon


social fragmentation, adult vulnerability, human fragility, work.


This paper presents a socio-historical perspective on the symposium’s theme “The Risks, Inequalities and Social Fragmentation linked towork”. The paper first recalls that evidence of social fragmentation and adult vulnerability gathered beginning in 1895 formed the basis for today’s major currents in psychology. The paper then shifts the “fragmentation-vulnerability” logic using the concepts of precariousness and psychological vulnerability. The paper finally suggests that by distinguishing between human fragility and adult vulnerability, psychology can better understand both the current day obsession with risk prevention and today’s adult tendency to oscillate between fragmentation, which induces vulnerability, and conciliation, which is exhausting.


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Author Biography

Christian Heslon

PhD. LUNAM, Universidad, UCO, LPPL (EA 4638), Equipo CAFORE. Profesor titular de Universidad,
Director del IPSA/UCO-Angers (Francia).


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How to Cite

Heslon, C. (2019). From social fragmentation to individual vulnerabilities: Perspectives for the future of Psychology. Revista De Psicología, 9(18), 45–49. Retrieved from


