Education a la prosocialite comme instrument de cohesion sociale au Rwanda


  • Fidèle Dushimimana Institut Catholique de Kabgayi


education, prosocial behavior, interpersonal prosocial cognitive problem solving, social cohesion


Prosocial behaviors are considered incompatible with violence and aggressiveness and contribute to efficient reciprocity, solidarity and social cohesion. This study aims at applying and assessing the effects of Interpersonal Prosocial Cognitive Problem Solving, a program for promoting prosocial behavior among young Rwandan children attending primary school. The program participants are 118 pupils divided into four classes of which two form an experimental group (n = 59) and two others a control group (n = 59). Pre- andpost-tests were administered. The results of this study showed that the children who took part  in the program acquired skills for solving interpersonal problems by way of adopting prosocial strategy and significantly increased their prosocial behaviors. The results of this study can have direct repercussions on future research initiatives in the fields of promotion of social cohesion, as well as of policy making.


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Author Biography

Fidèle Dushimimana, Institut Catholique de Kabgayi

Institut Catholique de Kabgayi (ICK), Rwanda.


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How to Cite

Dushimimana, F. (2019). Education a la prosocialite comme instrument de cohesion sociale au Rwanda. Revista De Psicología, 9(18), 67–77. Retrieved from


