Rereading the Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica. The Tractatus De Deo by the Theology of Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange


  • Marco Bracchi Facoltà Teologia dell’Italia Settentrionale


Treatise on Triune God – Réginald GarrigouLagrange – Divine Attributes – Eminentia Deitatis.


This article is intended to analyse the internal unity in the treatise de Deo thanks to the interpretation offered by Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange (1877-1964) re-examining the questions from 2 to 26 of Summa Theologica’s Prima Pars by Saint Thomas Aquinas. The eminentia Deitatis thesis represents the keystone of the theological process’s reviewing started by Aquinas, so it arises a reference to the integrity of God’s interpretation and of his intimate life for a precise analysis. To know better the Being that is God and his act, means to understand better man and his last aim: the visio beatifica. That is why the nomination of God is not a secondary issue in the Catholic theology: we are not children of a God who has not a Face and a Name. Garrigou-Lagrange’s perspective is a fundamental guide to read Aquinas in this direction. The article hopes for a «rebirth» of God’s discussion from a classical point of view and a new analysis of Summa Theologica


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How to Cite

Bracchi, M. (2019). Rereading the Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica. The Tractatus De Deo by the Theology of Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange. Sapientia, 74(243), 109–150. Retrieved from


