Lo sagrado, la filosofía y la verdadera religión según San Agustín


  • Ricardo Ferrara Universidad Católica Argentina


Augustine of Hippo, the sacred, philosophy of religion


The kind invitation to speak at this Pontifical Academy is an honor that I am grateful for and a challenge that I assume with fear and with a certain hope. With fear because I am just a cautious admirer of Saint Augustine, not one of the specialists. With hope because, given that they have not developed the theme of the sacred, I will have the opportunity to compensate for the irreparableness of my initial situation. Finally, if I feared not being able to relate the sacred, philosophy and true religion in Augustine, a passage from De vera religione gave me confidence to resolve this difficulty by developing a working hypothesis that seemed plausible to me.


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How to Cite

Ferrara, R. (2023). Lo sagrado, la filosofía y la verdadera religión según San Agustín. Sapientia, 78(251), 166–193. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/SAP/article/view/4914