
  • Laura Pérez CONICET - UNLPam (IEC).


Philo of Alexandria, soul, death, immortality


Philo of Alexandria posits that the human soul may reach, after corporal death, an immortal life. This is the fate of virtuous souls, those of men who have dedicated their earthly lives to the search for virtue and knowledge of God. However, it is not simple to determine what immortality means for the Alexandrian: where do those souls go?, in what form do they survive?, do they conserve their individuality? In order to investigate the answers to these questions, we will analyze passages where Philo interprets the death of certain men who are paradigmatic examples of virtue and wisdom, such as Abel (Det. 48-49, 70), Abraham (QG 3.11), and Moses (Virt. 76-78; Mos. 2.288-291). We will attempt then to elucidate, by examining other passages about immortality in Philo’s writings, if all human beings who practice virtue and piety could obtain a similar destiny.


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How to Cite

Pérez, L. (2019). EL DESTINO DE LAS ALMAS VIRTUOSAS SEGÚN FILÓN: ¿QUÉ SIGNIFICA LA INMORTALIDAD?. Stylos, 27(27), 212–226. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/STY/article/view/2061


