
  • Marcelo Boeri Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Stoicism, friendship, concord, Chrysippus, Seneca


In this paper I argue that, even though friendship does not receive a specific treatment among the fundamental ethical topics in Stoicism, it is relevant for the Stoic theory of good. I also state that the “Stoic friendship” matches quite well with the so-called “genera of being” and especially with the genus “what is somehow disposed in respect of something” (πρός τί πως ἔχον). In §2 I provide some clarifications regarding the term φιλία as well as the Platonic and Aristotelian background to the Stoic friendship. At this section I also give the details of the Stoic conceptualization of φιλία and show how the Stoics explain it in the framework of their theory of the genera of being.  In §3 I present Seneca’s version of friendship and highlight some details that evoke some Chrysippean discussions. Finally, in §4 I discuss some aspects of Stoic friendship understood in its “social or political” dimension (i.e. friendship as concord: ὁμόνοια) and furnish some concluding remarks. 



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How to Cite

Boeri, M. (2020). LA DIMENSIÓN PERSONAL Y SOCIAL DE LA AMISTAD ESTOICA. Stylos, 29(29), 95–120. Retrieved from


