El Concilio Vaticano II: acontecimiento eclesial, teologal, humano


  • Fernando Ortega Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Second Vatican Council, Eclesiology, Ghislain Lafont


In a dialogue with the ecclesiological reflections of Ghislain Lafont, in this
text the author approaches the Second Vatican Council from the perspective
of the discourses of John XXIII and Pius VI. At the distance of half a century
since the Council took place, he endeavors to point out the evangelical
profundity of the Pontiffs and the theological matrix of Vatican II. Finally,
assuming the diversity and novelty of the present context, the contribution
offers, from the Council, some suggestion for the New Evangelization.


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How to Cite

Ortega, F. (2019). El Concilio Vaticano II: acontecimiento eclesial, teologal, humano. Teología, 49(108), 201–213. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/TEO/article/view/2166