Faith and Theology: Risk and Humility Meditate from the Heart of Mary
Faith, Listens, Credere Deum, Amare Deum, Maria, HumilityAbstract
This text is the Dean’s inaugural speech at the beginning of the year, and we edited it in the research block given the intensely academic theological nature of its content. It is a profound meditation that, based on historical experience, analyzes faith as a risk, an encounter with Jesus, a theological experience and a synodal and community challenge. Therefore, it is the mystery of Mary where this experience is learned and nurtured. Christian tradition teaches how to read, contemplate and meditate at the school of Mary. In it there are two aspects of faith that generate theology: believe and understand, agree and think, trust and meditate, accept and understand. Thus, he advanced in the pilgrimage of faith and from his heart he teaches us to do theology. Mary is the symbol of theology as wisdom of the heart and heart of wisdom.
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