An Unpublished Text by Lucio Gera Contemporary to the Council and the First Steps towards a New Stage of the Faculty of Theology (1957-1970)


  • Federico Tavelli Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Lucio Gera, Eduardo Pironio, Carmelo Giaquinta, Facultad de Teología, Teología argentina, Historia, Concilio Vaticano II, Conferencia de Medellín, Iglesia y mundo, Cultura, Comunidad


This article focuses on a crucial moment on the history of the Faculty of theology of Buenos Aires (1957-1970). In this Lucio Gera’s unpublished text “Reflections on our Faculty of Theology” he reflected and projected a Faculty in contact with the world. Lucio Gera (1924-2012), first dean of the Faculty of Theology (1965-1969), promi- nent argentine theologian with a huge impact on the Latin-American theology and of great influence on the thought of pope Francis wrote this “Reflections” while the Second Vatican Council was at its final phase. From his deanery the first after the clergy assumed its government the Faculty experimented some vital changes and ope- ned itself with important long-term consequences in academic and community life. This work transcribes for the first time in its entirety Gera’s text and highlights its main ideas, its theology, the ecclesiological relation Church - world and focuses on the major changes generated by dean Lucio Gera in the following years till the first re- elaboration of the Faculty’s statutes in 1970.



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Como Citar

Tavelli, F. (2018). An Unpublished Text by Lucio Gera Contemporary to the Council and the First Steps towards a New Stage of the Faculty of Theology (1957-1970). Teología, 55(126), 191–214. Obtido de


