Christ and the Spirit. Some Aspects of Christology in Raniero Cantalamessa.


  • Gastón Lorenzo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Cristología, Pneumatología, Santos Padres, Dogma cristológico, Misterio


The author introduces Cantalamessa’s christology as an attempt at a pneumatic christology. By analyzing the work of the Capuchin priest, he discloses more than a mea- ning of the pneumatological dimension regarding the approach to the mystery of Christ. On the one hand, a spiritual christology means to discover the Holy Spirit as a term a quo, that causes, moves and goes with the theological reflection, through the integration of the different approaches to the mystery of Christ; on the other hand, the Paraclete himself is a term ad quem in the personal encounter with the Christ always alive in the Spirit. It deals with formulating a spiritual christology, which will invite to find out Jesus Christ as a live Person.


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Biografia Autor

Gastón Lorenzo, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología

El autor es Doctor en Teología por la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina



Como Citar

Lorenzo, G. (2019). Christ and the Spirit. Some Aspects of Christology in Raniero Cantalamessa. Teología, 56(128), 119–136. Obtido de


