La eternidad como experiencia y ciencia del poeta
eternidad, poesía, literatura y teología, esplendor de la verdadResumo
The poets speak of eternity. They remember, receive, offer or proclaim the dimension of the eternal, in contrast to the temporal and transient life. One might even say that, essentially, they do not talk about anything else. In this concern they approach philosophical and religious traditions that run in the same direction. They develop a science of the eternal, generating unique forms of expression.
In addition to this metaphysical approach, the poet lives in some way the experience of eternity. The poet experiences not only an intellectual or speculative knowledge, but an experience of rupture with time, which is expressed in various ways: a) by making the past present, which when revived gives a sense of victory over time, b) by the deepening of the instant, perceived as an access to timelessness, beauty and being; c) by the experience of love that is experienced in certain cases, as departure of time, d) through the expression of the poetic word, traditionally close to music, which through the structured rhythmic patterns of sound generates a sense of timelessness.
This paper does not intend to unfold all these points, but take them into account as the horizon of thought in an exploration of the specificity of the poet and the poem. We will try, with some examples, to surround and illuminate the poetic creation, and pose a question: Is petry it a “fiction” designed to alleviate human suffering and finitude? Or you may think, returning to the poetic relationship with the truth -in line with Heidegger and Ricoeur- that the poet verbalizes a universal human experience, giving the words their status as “splendor of truth”.
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