Solidarity, Exegesis, Spirituality Basil of Caesarea and Gregor of Nyssa. Sermons on the Usury


  • Alberto Carlos Capboscq Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Filología Clásica


Padres Capadocios, Basilio de Cesarea, Gregorio de Nisa, Gregorio de Nacianzo, usura, exégesis


This paper presents the general structure and the biblical texts used in their argumen- tation by the brothers Basil of Caesarea and Gregory of Nyssa in their sermons on the usury. At the same time the use of these scriptural passages is compared with the rest of their writings and with the works of his friend in common: Gregory of Nacianzus.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia Autor

Alberto Carlos Capboscq, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Filología Clásica

El autor es un destacado traductor y patrólogo argentino.



Como Citar

Capboscq, A. C. (2019). Solidarity, Exegesis, Spirituality Basil of Caesarea and Gregor of Nyssa. Sermons on the Usury. Teología, 56(130), 10–44. Obtido de