Pedro de Leturia (1891-1955), Jesuit, Historian and an Architecture of Relationships
Leturia, Historia, Historiografía, Compañía de Jesús, HispanoaméricaResumo
This article presents some áspects of the life and the relationships of Pedro de Leturia (1891-1955), a multifacetic Jesuit who dealt with files and documents, history and historiography, Saint Ignatius and Latin America, students and professors of the Faculty of Eclesiastic History of the Pontifical Gregorian University of Romo, which he led since its foundation. The bonds and historical practices that this Jesuit forged through the years as a professor, investigator and deán, his agreements and disagreements as regards the publishing of sources and the task of the historian, allow to relate a space of production, a discipline and a literature, and to open spaces for reflection and for new studies.
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