El Centenario y sus nacionalismos escolares: La Restauración nacionalista de Rojas como escusa y apropiación


  • Alejandro Herrero Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad del Salvador; Universidad Nacional de Lanús


Argentina, Rojas, Nationalism, Racism, Imperialism


Argentine historiography speaks of the first cultural nationalism produced during the Centennial of the Revolution; and the writer Ricardo Rojas and his book La Restauración Nacionalista are invoked to demonstrate this. Report on Education (1909). It is relevant to remember that Rojas´ investigation was funded by the Ministery of Public Instruction, and his report published in book support by this body. This work by Rojas has been studied in its internal structure or in its relationship with the history of nationalism, but beyond some references by historians of education, it has practically not been explored in its place of birth: the educational system and its spaces of government where policies are discussed and defined. My objective is to investigate how this book report is appropriate and used by officials of the national government and the government of the provinces, and by figures of the scientific and intellectual field who write in official publications in the areas of education. This is a study of reception of ideas, and also an inquiry into how normalist educators in government functions legitimize their policies with this author and this report. My hypothesis is that there are school nationalisms that are noticed in each intervention of normalist or scientific officials who write in education magazines, and not a single school nationalist school policy, depending on the case, is received and accepted by some, discussed by others and even redefined on other occasions.


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How to Cite

Herrero, A. (2022). El Centenario y sus nacionalismos escolares: La Restauración nacionalista de Rojas como escusa y apropiación. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 1(29), 71–88. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/THAA/article/view/4263


