Scalabrini Ortiz y el revisionismo histórico


  • Gonzalo Rubio García Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina


Scalabrini Ortiz, nationalism, anti-imperialism, revisionismo histórico


From his earliest political writings, Scalabrini Ortiz had an ambivalent relation with different historical figures and other nationalist writers. Although he is often considered as part of the so called “revisionismo histórico”, Scalabrini held important differences with other members of that group. In this paper, we will study some of the arguments, facts and historical figures which Scalabrini used as political tools, in his search of the historical moment in which Argentina lost its “historical destiny”. In this sense, we understand that from the 1930s, Scalabrini used history as a way to argue the existence of a continuous ideological line between historical figures such as Mariano Moreno, Juan Manuel de Rosas, Hipólito Yrigoyen and Juan Domingo Perón, with an objective: to create a political, historical and cultural imaginary related to nationalism and anti-imperialism.


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Beatriz Sarlo, Una modernidad periférica. Buenos Aires 1920-1930, Buenos Aires, Nueva Visión, 1988, pp. 217-218 y 240-242.

Dardo Cúneo, El desencuentro argentino 1930-1955, Buenos Aires, Pleamar, 1965, pp. 153-154.

Naomi Lindstrom, “Scalabrini Ortiz: El lenguaje del irracionalismo”, en Revista Iberoamericana, Vol. LI, Nums. 130-131, Enero-Junio 1985, pp. 185-187.

Norberto Galasso, Vida de Scalabrini Ortiz, Buenos Aires, Mar Dulce, 1970, pp. 71 y 95.

Noriko Mutsuki, Julio Irazusta: Treinta años de nacionalismo argentino, Buenos Aires, Biblos, 2004, p. 198.

Oscar Terán, Historia de las ideas en Argentina. Diez lecciones iniciales, 1810- 1980, 5ª edición., Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 2015, pp. 227-230.



How to Cite

Rubio García, G. (2016). Scalabrini Ortiz y el revisionismo histórico. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (24), 181–208. Retrieved from


