Un notable historiador eclesiástico argentino, el canónigo doctor Américo A. Tonda


  • Miguel Ángel De Marco Academia Nacional de la Historia. Argentina


Argentine Church, ecclesiology, Deán Funes, Bishop Orellana, Felix Frías


Canon Ph.D.Américo A. Tonda was one of the most outstanding ecclesiastical historians of the 20th century. He had a deep theological education and a solid formation as researcher, which were reflected in essential books of the Argentine Ecclesiastical history. Among his main books, it is worth mentioning La Iglesia argentina incomunicada con Roma, El Obispo Orellana y la Revolución and El pensamiento teológico del Deán Funes. He was the author of other important works and also a hard-working university professor. His appointment as regular member of the Academia Nacional de la Historia (Argentine Academy of History) was the corollary of a life devoted to the study and dissemination of the national ecclesiastical past and other aspects of Argentine history.


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How to Cite

De Marco, M. Ángel. (2007). Un notable historiador eclesiástico argentino, el canónigo doctor Américo A. Tonda. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (10), 13–29. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/THAA/article/view/5515


