Dilucidaciones en torno al Principio de Precaución
Precautionary Principle, Technological risk, Technological assessmentAbstract
This article focuses on developing the debates around the Precautionary Principle (PP), a controversial concept proposed to control technological development. We will explain, first, which are the reasons for its application and under which conditions it is invoked. We will take a tour to its origin. We will cite some historical and current examples, which reveal realities worthy of discussion under the magnifying glass of this principle. We will develop the various definitions, their differences and common elements. We will analyze the different objections that are presented to it. We will pause to understand the role of those who are part of the political class and how decisions wouldturn out in the light of the PP.
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How to Cite
Hanna, L., & Rey, M. (2018). Dilucidaciones en torno al Principio de Precaución. Tecnología Y Sociedad, (6), 11–25. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/TYS/article/view/993
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