De ratones y ratonas: un sesgo metodológico peligroso


  • Leandro Ariel Giri Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas ; Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche ; Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Federico Bernabé Blach Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas ; Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche ; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


Animal models, Methodological bias, Pharmacology, Precaution Principle, Organizational-Activational hypothesis


In this work it will be analyzed a methodological bias in research in life
sciences over the selection of specimens for animal modelling. It is an ubiquituous sexual bias, which consists in the overwhelming use of a majority
of male specimens for modeling human beings, both men and women.
We will analyze the motivation of such bias and will search in literature
a number of social and technological problems derived from the use of
invalid scientific knowledge obtained from the biased practice. Finally, we
will use the theoretical framework of the Precaution Principle to justify a
set of prescriptive suggestions which could diminish noticeably the issues
arised as a consequence of such a bias.


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How to Cite

Giri, L. A., & Blach, F. B. (2018). De ratones y ratonas: un sesgo metodológico peligroso. Tecnología Y Sociedad, (6), 27–42. Retrieved from


