Diario de un proceso, de Juan Ortiz de Zarate


  • Diana Fernández Calvo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Musicales. Argentina


Music, scene, text, Franz Kafka, musical analysi


This text analyzes the scenic piece Diario de un proceso by the composer Juan Ortiz de Zárate, taking into account the details of both the compositional construction and conceptual notions that give meaning to the piece, as well as its final staging. It is a free version of the posthumous work of Franz Kafka, The Process, deployed in a single act and with three characters on stage to which is added an audio, also voices of characters, issued by four speakers. Within the article different sections are considered such as the “idea and gestation of the work” through the first ideas of the composer where the conflict between the voice, the word and the instrumental-electroacoustic is retaken; the libretto and the “sense of music within the scene” are reviewed as devices for understanding and listening to the work and specific moments of the written score are extracted. Finally, some aspects of the staging of the piece are detailed. The piece was directed by Marcelo Delgado with the staging by Ximena Belgrano Rawson, it was performed in the National Cycle of Contemporary Opera of the year 2011.


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Author Biography

Diana Fernández Calvo, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Musicales. Argentina

Profesora Superior y Licenciada, especialidad Musicología, por la Universidad Católica Argentina. Doctora por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UCA. Magíster en Gestión (UCAECE) Especialista en Educación Virtual Universitaria (UNQUI). Fue Decana de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Musicales y Directora del Instituto de Investigación Musicológica “Carlos Vega” de la Universidad Católica Argentina


Mecca, Daniel. s/f. “Vigilar y castigar”. Arte Críticas http://www.artecriticas.com.ar/detalle.php?id=277&c=7, publicada también en “Notas en la prensa”, 3 de octubre de 2011 https://danielmecca.wordpress.com/category/notas-en-la-prensa/page/4/

Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. 2013. “Música escénica que se cuestiona a sí misma”. La Nación. 22 de diciembre 2013, http://www.lanacion.com.ar/1649945-musicaescenica-que-se-cuestiona-a-si-misma

Ortiz de Zarate, Juan. 2014. Entrevista realizada por Diana Fernández Calvo, 5 de marzo de 2014.



How to Cite

Fernández Calvo, D. (2018). Diario de un proceso, de Juan Ortiz de Zarate. Cuadernos De Análisis Y Debate Sobre Músicas Latinoamericanas Contemporáneas, (1), 81–109. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/mlc/article/view/4821


