“Anotación al 23 de Agosto de 1944”: Reflections on a Newly Acquired Manuscript


  • Daniel Balderston University of Pittsburgh


Jorge Luis Borges – Manuscript – Liberation of Paris – Sur


The aim of our work is to analyze a Borges manuscript from 1944 that was recently acquired by Special Collections at the Hillman Library of the University of Pittsburgh. The manuscript deals with the liberation of Paris (23 August 1944) but it also is intimately concerned with Borges's reactions to Argentine nationalists, some of whom were Nazi sympathizers.


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How to Cite

Balderston, D. (2020). “Anotación al 23 de Agosto de 1944”: Reflections on a Newly Acquired Manuscript. Letras, (81), 77–90. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/LET/article/view/3161