Different looks of the process of denaturalization from Alfonso XI by don Juan Manuel according with the epistolary perspective compared with Poema de Alfonso Onceno and Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI


  • Emilio J. Cela Heffel Universidad de Buenos Aires


Denaturalization, Letters, Poema de Alfonso Onceno, Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI, Representation Mechanisms


The aim of the following paper is to enlighten a well-known episode in the life of don Juan Manuel, the denaturalization of Alfonso XI, as seen from the perspective of three different and opposing sources: Poema de Alfonso Onceno, Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI and some of the letters by don Juan Manuel. This intends to analyze the image built in each of the works, from different perspectives at three different moments of production and style. It is the purpose of this paper to examine how such constructions are carried out, by tracing the textual figures of speech and mechanisms as well as the aims pursued by each writer.


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How to Cite

Cela Heffel, E. J. (2017). Different looks of the process of denaturalization from Alfonso XI by don Juan Manuel according with the epistolary perspective compared with Poema de Alfonso Onceno and Gran Crónica de Alfonso XI. Letras, (73), 99–107. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar./index.php/LET/article/view/477



Ponencias. Estudios de literatura española medieval